K(eep).I(t).S(imple).S(illy) ?
never considered myself to be an easy person to deal with. I’ve never claimed
to be one either. But my experiences have taught me one thing- people find
simplicity very inviting and comforting. It makes them feel like they have a
lot less on their plate. Or maybe it’s the illusion of feeling empowered by
dealing with and overcoming something uncomplicated. But I’ve tried simplicity,
and it doesn’t do much for me. I think I’ve got too much to lose at the expense
of simplicity. Emotion, intellect, knowledge, human behavior and interaction,
and just the basic psyche of people- these are the things that excite
me, none of which are “simple” in any sense. And I wouldn’t sacrifice them for
simplicity. The bargain just isn’t inviting enough.
None of what I’m saying is axiomatic. I’m
simply stating what works for me. I’ve met very few people who would
consciously adopt the same school of thought as me, and even fewer people who
can appreciate the essence of what I believe, even if they choose not to follow
it themselves.
And because of this, I’ve had some anxious
moments about this take on life. I’ve wondered if it would hinder my success-
not professional or superficial success- but my success as a person. Self-doubt
is by far the worst state of mind I’ve experienced. But my worst bout of
self-doubt taught me something- how to be okay with it. Not to get immune to it
and to let it not affect you, but to just know it’s important, and as clichéd
as this may sound- to know it’ll pass. The strength to overcome this dubious
state of mind may not always come from within. More often than not, it comes
from an external source. It did for me.
For the first time I surprised myself. I was
willing to let another person take control of my problem, willing to let go of
my obsessive nature of wanting to solve it on my own. And it was brilliant. It
was amazing to discover things about myself and the world and the people and
their emotions-the kind of things you assume only existed in YOUR head. It was
comforting to know that there was another person whose head was as quirky yet tumultuous as mine. It was relieving to feel okay about not wanting to live
with a fear of complexity. It was humbling to be appreciated purely for my
rationale, my principles, my beliefs. For once it was easy, without any
intention of mine to make it so. For once it was accidently “simple”. And it
still is.
-- Keep it real and honest, silly. --
I love you